The series Liquid Dreams represents a veiled reality. An approach to the hidden world of the ephemeral that occurs outside our focus of attention. A distorted closeness that makes us realize that nothing is what it seems.we live in a moment in which the social is more fashionable than ever. Paradoxically, we are also living in the most asocial time.
We value others by the digital image they themselves choose to project, far removed from a reality that increasingly seems to belong exclusively to technological outcasts.
In the age of the ego, satisfaction comes in spades from strangers. In this age of the ego, satisfaction comes in spades from strangers, transient happiness in bulk, which makes us live in a loop of dissatisfaction, impersonal people, retouched beauty, feigned friendship. In these liquid times where everything is immediate, human relationships, the result of media bombardment, are nothing but dreams. Liquid dreams.
Narcissus was the son of the nymph Liriope of Thespias and the river god Cepheus.
The famous seer Tiresias had predicted to his parents that he would live for many years as long as he did not see himself.It seemed easy to circumvent the prophecy; all they had to do was banish mirrors and other objects that might reflect his face. Otherwise, Narcissus would die.
When Narcissus was sixteen, he was a handsome young man who became the object of desire of all the nymphs and maidens of ancient Greece, but he always remained impervious to their advances.
Among the many young women hurt by his attitude was a nymph named Echo, who was known for repeating what others said. She fell in love with him, but was cursed by the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus. Echo had devoted herself to entertaining the goddess while Zeus was unfaithful to her. When Hera realized that Echo’s conversations were an attempt to cover up her husband’s faults and infidelities, she became angry and punished her. From that moment on, her voice was only able to repeat the words of others.
Ashamed and unable to communicate, she locked herself in a cave deep in the forest.Madly in love with Narcissus, Echo followed him furtively through the forest to make him share her deep feelings; however, this was impossible, due to her curse. She used her attunement with nature and animals to make Narcissus tell her that she loved him deeply.Narcissus interpreted Echo’s statement with some derision and rejected it out of hand. Echo went to the caves to spend the rest of her life alone, sad and heartbroken; however, before she died, she begged Nemesis, the goddess of vengeance and divine justice, to curse Narcissus so that he would only fall in love with his own reflection.
One day, the young man went to the river Styx to cool off a bit. Then he saw his reflection in the water and fell in love with it. As Echo desired, his obsession with his own beauty was so great that he stopped eating and drinking just to keep looking at his reflection.His obsession bordered on madness; Narcissus got so close to the water that he ended up falling in and drowning in it.
The nymphs wanted to bury him, but they could not locate the body anywhere. In its place appeared a beautiful flower with white petals that, to preserve his memory, bears the name of Narcissus.
Narcissus spent the rest of eternity in the underworld, where he remained spellbound by the image he had admired so much in the black waters of the Styx lagoon. Even today, the term narcissism is used to define an excessive admiration for oneself.